Tuesday 3 December 2013

Raili goes to IKEA

Recently, I went to IKEA to look for some stuff and I decided to take Raili along with me. We arrived in the morning, at around 10am, skies were gloomy and it was raining. So, we hurried inside and walked around.

(Source, was raining so couldn't take outdoor picture)

Raili: "Daddy, look at what I found!"
Raili: "It's just the right size!"
"Yes it is..."
*Makes note to grab it later*

Raili: "Is this present for me?"
"That's empty but don't worry, I've got a Christmas present in the making for you girls"

Raili: "Really???"

Raili: "What is it?"
"~Secret~ You'll see. Hope you girls like it."
Raili: "Okay~~ Don't worry, it's the thought that counts."
"Haha, okay, that's good to know"

"Chilling out?"
Raili: "Hehee."

As the crowds began to flow in, we continued walking around looking at the displays. Well, I had in mind what I was looking for while Raili was enjoying herself.

Raili: ♥♥♥

Raili is testing out a bed.

Out of the blue...
Raili: "KYYYAAAA!"
"Errrr, what happened?"
Raili: "A dinosaur grabbed me out of nowhere..."

"You okay? Need help?"
Raili: "I'm okay, just need to get free. Just give me awhile?"

----- A short while later -----

Raili: "SIT!"

Raili: "That wasn't very nice. What if you grabbed someone and they separated from their parents and ended up being lost? I know you're lonely but you still shouldn't do that."

Raili: "Aww, come here. Let me give you a hug~ Don't worry, someone will buy you soon."
(In case you're wondering: I didn't)

"Did you make a new friend?"
Raili: "Yup~"

"Raili-chan! I found something... Want to try riding a horse?"
Raili: "Ooooo. Coool!" 
"Looking good"

Raili: "I don't think she wants to move"
"Haha, I guess not"

Raili: "What's that sou-"
Raili: "Snakes! Lots of them!"

Raili: "Looks like running isn't an option..."
"Raili-chan, you don't have to worry."
Raili: "?"

"These snakes are friendly."
Raili: "Hehe. That tickles!"

More stars to reach for.

Sitting on a Christmas tree

After a bit more of walking around, we went to get lunch.
"Hungry? What would you like?"
Raili: "Hmmm, I don't know... Just get anything you like?"
Raili: "Thanks!"

Raili: "I'll look after our stuff."

"Sorry, the queue was pretty long."
Raili: "That's alright, so, what's for lunch?"

"Christmas special! Turkey Shank."

Raili: "That's biiiig!"

Raili: "Itadakimasu!~"

The rest of the food belongs to Raili's friends.

After we had our lunch we bought the stuff we needed and headed home. So ended our trip to IKEA. There are a few more pictures that you can view here.


  1. Oh I love your blog!!! I just found it!

    I made up a little link button to put in my sidebar to link back to your blog... but if you have a button somewhere, let me know and I'll use that!!!


    I'll definitely have to read more!

    I love the scene with the snakes XD How cute!

    1. Thanks~ (=

      Don't have a button at the moment. I guess now's a good time to get down to doing it. ;-) I'll let you know when I (eventually) complete it.

      I'm glad you love that. When I saw the bucket of snakes (there were a lot more), this image just popped into my mind and I knew I just had to do it. So, I'm glad the concept came out well in the pictures. (=

      (Lol. I feel so stupid. I pressed the closest button to this text box which just so happens is the "Sign out" button instead of posting the message...)

    2. You know... I keep hitting that stupid sign out button too... it's in the perfect spot to make me think it's the "publish" button -_-;;

    3. Design oddity on their part I guess
