Thursday 19 December 2013

Happy Birthday Raili!~

Raili's my very first daughter and she's been with me since last July. Never occurred to me to check her birthday till earlier this year and... December 18th is her birthday! So, this time we had a simple celebration.

Raili: "...- I thought you guys forgot..."
Honoka: "There's no way we would forget"

Raili: "I'm so touched... I love you all!~"
"Make a wish~"

Raili: *Whiisper*

Raili: *Blows*

"What'd you wish for?"
Raili: *Nehehe*
"Not telling? Ah well. How about having some cake? It's nice~"

*!Family Picture!*


  1. Ooooh, that cake looks really tasty! Raili is so cute, thinking they forgot!!!

    I wonder... if her wish was to eat cake... then it came true XD

    1. For Raili's birthday, we celebrated at night so maybe she was worried that we forgot (considering that didn't celebrate last year cause I didn't know about it).

      Maybe if someone else asks her she'll tell what she wished for. ;-)

      p.s. The cake was good. ;-)
