Friday 11 January 2013

(Megahouse) Lacus Clyne

First post of the year, I have with me Lacus Clyne by Megahouse (Excellent Model Series)

Lacus was the very first (2D) love. Started out with her and expanded to many other girls. So obviously when they opened preorder for Lacus, I just had to get.

Full length shot of Lacus

Sides and back 

 She has her hair tied with 2 ribbons and a hair clip(?) accessory thing.

Very nicely animated and sculpted twin tail hair 

 Here's a close up of her dress. At first I couldn't quite decide whether or not I would like how shiny/glossy it is, and frankly, I'm still undecided. Gives the impression that the dress is made of silky material.

Oh, and if you want, you can remove her "collar"

Her dress is just enough to cover up to prevent any slips... 

Very long sleeves on both arms

 Her dress is flared from bottom, looks like she has a fan blowing at her from below

Fan service maybe? 

Sad to disappoint you, but she's well covered here.
You can see a bit of imperfection where the 2 purple lines meet, not an issue.

Personally, the happier the facial expression, the better 
So thankfully she comes with an interchangeable face as well as, right hand, flower, left arm and 2 haros

What she looks like fully exchanged. I definitely like this expression much better.

However, her left hand hand looks weird, like the fingers are too long and, well alien-like

The rose is nice, but the angle doesn't feel quite right. I think it should face a bit higher and maybe rotate inwards slightly more.

If you don't want her sleeves, you can also leave them out but you'll be stuck with very visible joints. So, it's just better to leave them on.

In any case, I'll just stick with the original hands/arms and the smiling face

Base with her name on it

 Addition to Lacus collection

Lacus' pose doesn't feel right very right either and with her gaze off to one side, I can't get a proper feel of what she's supposed to doing. It could possible because she should be paired with Asuran, so it's not so much that she's at a concert but more that she's in a duet with Asuran. Just so you know, I have no plans to get him. As far as imperfections go, she's quite well done.

For 5,680 Yen, she's relatively affordable and overall quite gorgeous (I could be biased here) and I think she would make a nice addition to the collection, especially so if your musically inCLYNEd. Yes, that is where I got the name from.

You can view the rest of the photos here

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